Monday, October 10, 2011

Sushi House, Banff - Sushi Train Conveyor Belt

This little restaurant has a similar concept to the Sakae Sushi restaurants in Singapore - sushi on a conveyor belt! The only difference is that this restaurant actually uses a real model train to bring the sushi round the conveyor belt for you hahaha. When you see something you like or would want to try, just lift the plate off the belt and tuck in!

My favourite Edamame beans :)

There's the train for ya!

There's also a sushi chef behind the bar for you to watch if you're interested lol

At the end, they will count the number of plates you've had - if i'm not wrong, different coloured plates have different costs...

Sushi House, Banff - Sushi Train, Conveyor belt sushi
304 Caribou St, Banff, AB T1L