Anyway, went on an overnight field trip at the Marriott Hotel in Toronto! so cool! let me tell u my experience through pictures!!
Now, here is me at the entrance of the Courtyard Marriott, Toronto. There are 3 Marriotts on one street. This one is the largest one because it specializes in Meeting Functions.
This is at the fireplace in the lobby with Doris from Shanghai!
So the presentations commenced simultaneously. The lappie is to show the pictures clearly and the binder at the side shows our Budgeting, Specifications Manual, Executive Summary and Design Summary
This is the Director of Sales and Marketing, chatting with us about our design.
Another Director of something something i forgot. There were lotsa of them, even the Director of Sales and Marketing of Marriott CANADA! but didn't get a pic of the rest.
Impromptu photo with April during a boring period of time where we sat there and chatted. In the background is Maryse
Anyway, the agenda goes like this. 9 leave school, 10.30 reach Marriott, 12 Lunch, 1.30 Presentations and Networking with Executives, 3.30 Check in to room, 6 pm Dinner.
Me with Doris in front of a meeting room entrance
The dinner was AWESOME. i was sooo full. And it was a candlelight dinner too!
So this is my hotel room, Doris was my roomie. As you can see, their beds are huge here. They dun have one single bed like Singapore. This size, which they call a Double, is their smallest size here.
Anyway, Marriott invested millions into changing ALL their hotel beds to what they call Heavenly Beds. REALLY comfortable beds with FIVE pillows of different hard/softness. I asked Doris to take a pic of me posing so shiok haha!
So here is me in one of the corridors posing before the dinner. Everyone says this pic looks like the Manager of the hotel, can post in resume haha!
I decided against drinking with my friends, so Sarah and Jessica came over and we hung out talking about Korean serials haha. Watched Legally Blonde and just plain relaxed. It was splendid i tell u, cause you can drink or shop anytime .. But seldom have time to just relax.
Before we went to bed, I even managed to chat with Doris about my faith! Answered her questions with the verses that I found from the Bible and shared about my personal walk with Jesus. I think this part was the highlight of my field trip! Because fulfilling the desires of life or ensuring success in life is just a passing temporary part of life. What is important is eternity and the harvesting of souls! So I answered her queries and got her all excited that she wants to buy a Bible! I recommended NIV, cause its simple to understand for her. She even told me that she wants to accept her friend's invitation to her Chinese church for Good Friday! Praise the Lord! Pray for her! I felt that after that talk with her, my spirit felt so joyful! woohoo! Thank You Lord!
The next day, we had a buffet breakfast, which was EXCELLENT. They had sooo much stuff ... Sausages, Bacon, Ham, French Toast, Potato Pancakes, Pancakes... Make your own omelette, Make your own waffles... Gahh i made my own waffle, Doris made her own omelette and we shared. YUMZ!!
Anyway, that was my lovely field trip! I really enjoyed it! Although I need to pray over my shyness with strangers. I just zipped and clammed up, and could not network well. Pray for me over this too!
~5 more weeks!!!~