Smile with Joy!

Smile with Joy!

1 Thessalonians

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus!"

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas and 2009 approaching soon ...

Howdy mates! How's the wind in the sails?

Hahaha ok i shall desist LOL

Anyway, Christmas is approaching in 5 days, and the year 2009 will arrive in 11 days! Soooooo exciting!

Just like to say, the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and His precious gift of salvation, grace, forgiveness, hope, joy etc etc ... to the world! For each and everyone one of you :)

So please dun forget the true meaning of Christmas! Such as embracing the world's marketing strategy of santa claus (sorry kiddies, but he does not exist and his fictional) ... And celebrate with me the joy of the Christmas season!!

And fast approaching on the heels of Christmas is the new year!! woohoo! A new year, meaning new breakthroughs! I pray that everyone has breakthroughs in their families, friends, work, school, relationships and everything in their personal lives.

Let's start our new year with a new slate and a fresh state of mind! Always remember that the pen (or any writing utensil you like) is in your own hand for the new blank page! ... Those who are not very "litty", I just mean the choices and decisions you make would determine the direction of your life!

So thank You Lord for this wonderful year of 2008, with its ups and downs, but with You never leaving my side. May we draw closer and fall deeper in love with Him this coming new year!

~ For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future ~ Jeremiah 29:11 Amen!!