Lurved the service today!! I attended the 3:15pm service with father, and ah jia di played the piano!! XDDDD Found the worship to be really REALLY good. I was bawling non-stop from the first note of the last song, "Still", till Jof told us to take a seat hahahahaha. Thank You Lord for that touch from You!!
Helped me alot, because I didn't realise that I was so troubled and stressed over my training. Found it so hard to absorb all the knowledge, and the bosses made it worse by testing us everyday with questions that made us all so stressed. Kept it all to myself and tried to fight the battle alone. I didn't even realise it myself!! Until the song "Still", then the Lord revealed it to me. Sobz sobz! Yes Lord, I will be still and know that YOU are MY GOD!!
The Durants' gave an excellent musical performance too! Really enjoyed it :) Although I found the trumpet mike was turned on too loud, felt like my ears were bursting haha. But Sister Anne Durant gave an excellent sermon about "A New Kind of Love". Felt very personally ministered by it.
Learnt that I should not be a wavering person (I am quite often), but to be ROOTED and GROUNDED in God's love!! And also not to TRY to love people as I love myself, because I really treat myself not very well haha. BUT to love others just as Christ has loved me!! And THAT'S saying ALOT hahahaha.
Most importantly, to forgive others INCLUDING yourself, 70 x 7 times EVERYDAY!! I find that I forgive others easily and readily, but I always beat myself up over every little thing! Dunno why, but I always feel like I am very selfish, so I always beat myself up over that. BUT! People always tell me that I am very giving, so what's my problem seriously? Most of my quiet time I tend to pray for others, but what's wrong with praying for blessings or binding the bad stuff for yourself? I just need to forgive myself for being so selfish last time and that the Lord will continue to give me a selfless spirit :)
Also, Sister Anne Durant said that we should approach our Lord Jesus BOLDLY!! Do you see yourself as a worthless person and why should God help/listen to you? She said "What determines that something is valuable? The price that someone is willing to pay, right? Jesus has paid the ultimate price by shedding His blood for you, and He feels it was SOOOOoooo worth it." So everyone stop seeing yourself to be worthless, because you are VERY valuable in God's sight!!