Smile with Joy!

Smile with Joy!

1 Thessalonians

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus!"

Friday, October 7, 2011

Yamapi and Ryou leave NEWS

Well, it's official... news (pun intended) spreads fast nowadays, what with facebook and twitter. I woke up this morning (Canada time) and my fellow Johnnys (Arashi) fan posted on my facebook wall that NEWS has been reduced to 4 members?!

So i went to check my twitter feed, and most of the JE or NEWS pages that I follow all say the same thing, that it was announced through their agency... please see the link of their profile here: (if it still shows 6 members, please refresh your page) ... the truth just hits you in the face *WHAM BAM SLAM* Please keep all your singles/albums/videos/magazines/music etc of the 6 members, as you won't get them anymore, treasure them!!

So people, and fellow grieving-but-saw-something-like-this-coming NEWS fans, it is official - Yamashita Tomohisa and Nishikido Ryo have left NEWS, and the remaining 4 members TegoMass and KoyaShige will continue on as a group. Hmmmm, maybe now each of them can take one cardinal each - North East West South hahaha

I agree with a fan article that i read, that even though the 2 most popular members have left, the remaining 4 can hold their own too (so i'm not worried about that). But another thing that the fan mentioned is that for this to be announced now, when TegoMass activities have only just started ... bad timing. so my sis and i were thinking maybe KoyaShige will appear at one of the TegoMass concerts near the end to announce their next NEW NEWS single...

So it looks like we're poised to see the NEW NEWS at the start of the new year 2012. At least now we can have magazine photoshoots of the 4 of them without the use of photoshop. I must admit that I am sad that we would never see the 6 members together again, but we must always learn to think positive!! This means that there would be more time for NEWS activities, more singles, more concerts etc etc. Even though there would still be TegoMass activities, but as a TegoMass fan, i know that their activities only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. Which means EIGHT solid months of new NEWS (compared to no NEWS at all this whole year) yeahhhhhhh!! And because these 4 members are so close, i mean they spend time together in private (what with crashing Shige's place) - so the camaraderie backstage, the MC time, and all their interactions would be funny and interesting!!

I am looking forward to the new NEWS, i will still support them, and i wish them all the best!! I wish Ryou all the best too as he continues with Kanjani8, and please continue acting awesome dramas! As for Pi, all the best at his solo act too. But my full support will be for the 4 members of the new NEWS!!! I'm sure that the NEWS fandom will be shaken up as the RyoPi fans leave, but TegoMassKoyaShige ganbatte!!! CLAW YOUR WAY UP!! BE SUPER POPULAR!!! WHETHER IN JAPAN OR INTERNATIONALLY!! SHOCK EVERYONE!! YOU CAN DO IT!!
